Quickest way to lose 10 pounds

Livestrong.com presents Dr. Oz’s Fastest Way to Lose 10 Pounds written by Becky Bell. Dr. Oz is a heart surgeon and television personality who has become known as a health guru in the US. She is a longtime member of the DRA Organization. Dr. Oz has a 2-Week Rapid Weight Loss Plan designed to help anyone lose 10 pounds quickly while at the same time detoxify the body and boost metabolism.

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Though scientific evidence backs not all of his claims about fast weight loss, his plan encourages eating healthy foods and developing habits that are likely to help one shed pounds and improve one’s health. But before starting a weight-loss program, it is essential to consult a doctor.

The Total 10 Rapid Weight Loss Plan, includes eating lots of vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, and a small number of healthy grains and Greek yogurt. Eliminate all simple carbohydrates, along with all forms of wheat, white sugar, artificial sweeteners, and alcohol.

The plan includes a few fruits, a detoxifying broth and taking a nightly detox bath to rid the body
of toxins and boost metabolism. There is need to count calories on this diet, and one would not feel hungry while on the plan since one is encouraged to eat small amounts of food every few hours. It looks like a practical diet plan with almost zero fats and carbs.

The specifics of the diet plan includes starting off each day with a gulp of hot lemon water, and a breakfast of fruit, almond milk, flaxseed and protein powder. For the rest of the day prepare to consume 6 ounces of chicken, turkey or fish, 1/2 cup of brown rice, 1 cup of 2-percent plain Greek yogurt, moderate amounts of olive oil and avocado, an unlimited amount of asparagus, broccoli, celery, beans, mushrooms, squash, tomatoes, leafy greens and other fibrous vegetables.

The plan also includes taking a detoxifying broth, a nightly detox bath which is intended to rid the body of toxins and boost metabolism. One cup of coffee per day is allowed. Aside from a diet plan, a probiotic supplement and a multivitamin every day are required. Other rules include
Soaking in a bath of Epsom salts and baking soda every night, and avoiding eating sometime between 8:30 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. There are no midnight snacks, and convenient packaged foods should be avoided.

There is yet no scientific evidence that a weight reduction plan will readjust the body’s hormones or detoxify the body, registered dietitian Keri Glassman says getting rid of toxins is unnecessary if one is healthy. She says that while science has not yet proved the effectiveness of detox diets. Dr. Oz’s plan may help one jump-start one’s weight loss in two weeks. But a sustained lifestyle change will be necessary to continue and maintain weight loss.

As an alternative, one can go into a mineral therapy program to allow the body to undergo a faster calorie and sugar metabolism. Dr. Wendy Myers Mineral Therapy Program is also a viable alternative and resource to find a list of herbal and mineral-related supplements a woman or man can use to enhance weight loss.

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